Offer Accepted!

I’m so excited to let you all know that I am in contract with a duplex! I made my deadline for my goal that I set for myself! Now the work is just beginning… Since this is my first property that I’m purchasing I am just trying to get everything right to make sure it is a smooth transaction…. I can’t believe that I found this property so fast after being really anxious and ready to find a property… Now I know you might think that I jumped into a property fast but this was an actual good deal !!

This property’s rents are lower than market by at least $300. With that being said per my calculations the property will be cash flowing anywhere between $50-100/month which means that when the leases are up and I am able to get the property up to market rents I will be cash flowing at my minimum of $200/unit/month.

This is soooo exciting for me and I am happy to take you all along on the journey with me!! The following few days have really been me getting everything from the closing attorney together to getting property insurance in place. I have also put my property manager in place on the property so things are moving right alone. The closing date is set for my birthday of October 5th, so I’m hoping that’s a good sign that things are meant to be!

Author: ooakrei

I am the proud business owner of One Of A Kind Real Estate Investing LLC. Sheesh that's a mouthful let's just call it OOAKREI for short :). I am a nurse by day and a business owner by day, night, and in my sleep. I am very friendly and love interacting with people so feel free to reach out to me for anything you may have questions/comments on!

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